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Summer is such a nice word to say, one that instantly draws a smile. Thinking of that glorious warm sunshine on our faces and all the fun things to do outdoors has us (and many others) already excited for its arrival.

Sadly, summer can be a stressful time for those concerned about mosquitoes and ticks because they bite and can transmit diseases to humans. While ticks and mosquitoes are not a serious health concern here in Ontario, compared to other places around the world, their populations have been on the rise, as has public concern.

Worry over these pests can be enough for some to purposely avoid spending time outside. There is no fun staying cooped up indoors, so we’ve compiled some mosquito prevention and tick prevention tips to help you take back your summer.

Tips to help you minimize mosquitoes:

Tips to help you prevent ticks:

We hope you have a wonderful summer…outside!